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Server sql-embeddings-00016-son-deployment-6fbb98647b-gcpr9  Namespace %SYS   User SuperUser   Licensed To InterSystems IRIS Community  Instance IRIS 
     System  > System Dashboard  > Global and Routine Statistics

This dashboard displays system metrics captured for globals and routines:

Local global references: 2,973,648
Local global update references: 235,997
Remote global references: 0
Remote global update references: 0
Private global references: 210,998
Private global update references: 73,264
Logical block requests: 3,116,811
Physical block reads: 4,045
Physical block writes: 18,213
WIJ writes: 6,328
Journal entries: 6,602
Journal block writes: 19
Local Routine calls: 827,037
Local Routine loads/saves: 1,567
Remote Routine calls: 0
Remote Routine loads/saves: 0
Routine commands: 55,053,126
Routine not cached: 1,448

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